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This is the initial layout that we all had discuss, and this is how it will look like. There will be 3 sub-topic with another 3 more after the sub-topic.

This is the real website that we as a group had already design. The information will be post in coming future.


Langkawi sky-bridge is suspended at 700 metres above sea level.
This unique curved pedestrian bridge spans 125 metres across a spectacular chasm.
The view from the bridge is simply breathtaking.
You'd be able to view the Andaman Sea and Thailand’s Tarutao Island as well.

The 1.8m-wide bridge had two 3.6m-wide triangular platforms that provided a spectacular viewing-cum-resting area for visitors.

Unlike straight bridges where you can see from the starting point, the bridge has been curved to provide different perspectives over the land and sea.
Convenient triangular platforms located along the curved bridge provide rest areas so you can sit and appreciate both the beauty of nature and an incredible feat of engineering. Langkawi sky-bridge is safe.

Considerable thought was invested to provide visitors with a psychological feeling of security.
They include a double steel railing at upper body level as well as an enclosed wire mesh and timber parapet below.

Flow Chart

This are the planned pages that will be in my page contributing to the Langkawi Island page.

We could find many information from this website to find stuff for the skycab. Pictures also have in the website
This website provide many information that is usefull for the project
Skytrail information was not to much in this website but it really helps :)

Tools Used For This Project

When we want to make flash, we need to pick the right picture for it. So I had selected a few pictures. Before inserting it into the Flash, we need to edit it so it will look nice and we need to resize it so that it will be standardize size. The toll i will use for it would be Adobe Photoshop.

So before doing anything, the 1st thing should be creating new file. I will using Adobe Flash to CS4 to creat the flash file. The size that i will use would be 500 x 300. This is because i had resize all my picture to that size.

This is the end result after inserting the pictures into the library. I would need to arrange the pictures according  the frames that i want. After finish it, i would need to export it as SLV file.


So this is the pcture that we had decide on using as our header.

After saving the picture. we need to crop it. Editting is will make it nicer. 

This is the end result after editing it. After putting some affect on it and putting some wording, it looks nicer as the header.

We need to pick a background wallpaper that suites the website color. So we had pick blue color as the background color

This is the end result of our website pages. Information had been inserted personally