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I am in charge of waterfall.  The ideation includes information about the three interesting waterfalls to be visited in langkawi. I will make sure that information about the waterfalls are in the site. I want to create an interactive tourist experience of the waterfall. The site acts as a comprehensive online for tourist to know more and explore the beauty of waterfalls in langkawi.


Telaga Tujuh Waterfall

Location: Gunung Mat Cincang, 45 kms from Kuah, Langkawi
Highlights: Seven pools of water
How To Reach: One can easily reach here by hiring taxis, or by boarding buses from the island.

The Telaga Tujuh, precisely called Seven Wells, is a beautifully crafted geological manifestation. While taking the cable car ride to the top of Gunung Mat Cincang, you can perceive the awe-inspiring view of Telaga Tujuh Waterfalls. Located along Gunung Mat Cincang in the north-western corner of Pulau Langkawi, this picturesque waterfall is named such because its gushing water stream is broken by a series of seven natural pools.

At the site, there are seven wells/pools from which water glides delightfully from one pool to another. The stream finally cascades 90 meters down into the seventh pool. Over the years, the rapid flowing water has leveled the sharp rock surface. Further, this lovely waterfall gets a pictorial charm due to the verdant green surroundings. Indeed seven wells present a brilliant sight which one cannot forget during one's lifetime.

According to the legends, the fairies could not resist the charm to visit this beautiful place and that's why, they decided to make it their bathing place. In fact, the surrounding shrubs and plants around the pool are said to have been left by them. If you really want some adventurous trek, take a short climb to the top of the waterfalls. On your way through the rainforest, you will see many exotic creatures like long-tailed macaque monkeys and cream colored squirrels.

You might be lucky to get the glimpse of a hornbill, with its huge hooked orange beak, hanging out of the treetops. Enjoy the chirping of birds, whistling of woods and sound of cascading waters throughout your journey. Once arrived at the top, the quaint vista of the landscape is absolutely stunning and actually, it cannot be restricted in words. Thus, to put in succinct terms, Telaga Tujuh is a wonderful place to visit on your trip to Langkawi.

Telaga Tujuh attractions

Enjoy the seven pools whose water flow into the other creating a beautiful picture. If you manage for yourself a Cable Car, ride to the top of the Gunung Mat Chincang. As you ride along the entire track, see and enjoy the Telaga Waterfalls. Watch the playful monkeys jumping from one tree to the other or watch the giant squirrels swirling here and there. Listen to the call of an orange beaked hornbill that hides itself behind the leaves. In addition to this have a great time enjoying the diving competition.

Durian Perangin Waterfall

Location: Raya Mountain Nature Park, 16 km from Kuah, Langkawi Islands
Highlights: 14 tier waterfall
How To Reach: One can easily reach here by hiring taxis, rail or by boarding ferries from the island.

The Durian Perangin Waterfall is one such natural geological beauty on this mystical island. Located a few km away from Padang Lalang, pleasant little waterfall reached via a short treck through the rainforest.

The Durian Perangin river coupled with an attractive 14-tier waterfall and has unique rock formation.

It is suitable for picnics, relaxing dips and recreation. It has a wide variety of flora and fauna that encompassed lowland dipterocarp forest. Every tier of the waterfall has its own natural attributes. The tracks natural surroundings is suitable for orienteering and other adventurous activities. It is marked by unique rock formations and crystal-clear water. Around the falls, one can find a rich variety of vegetation in abundance.

 Durian Perangin Attractions

The main attraction of Durian Perangin river is the attractive 14-tier waterfall that cascades down from the slopes of nearby Gunung Raya. The unique rock formation found around this area makes the place suitable for picnics and relaxing dips in the cool, clear water. Every tier of the waterfall has its own natural attributes which makes these natural pools unique.

The Durian Perangin area houses a wide variety of flora and fauna in the surrounding lowland dipterocarp forest. The main plant species are rengas, merapoh, periang, melunak, meranti temak, meranti jerit, rattans and palms. A 5km track leads to Gunung Raya Peak which, incidentally, is the highest spot in Langkawi. Another 5km of continuous track will take you to nearby Malaysia Book Village in Lubuk Semilang

Temurun Watefall

Location: Mat Cincang Nature Park at Datai Bay
Highlights: 13 meter high waterfall
How To Reach: One can easily reach here by hiring taxis, rail or by boarding ferries from the island.

The 30 meter high waterfall cascades its waters down into a pool below. One can easily swim in the pool. The waterfall offers refreshing waters of the mountains to the visitors.

This is a spectacular torrent cascading down a full 150 metres amidst sheer forested hill-slopes. It is impressive seen in its entirety as a towering wall of gushing water cleaving the mountainside. A lovely and memorable natural wonder only recently discovered, it is rapidly gaining popularity for its beautiful vista and unspoilt freshness. Visitors to Langkawi should not miss this.

This waterfall is located on the northern slope of Gunung Raya, the highest mountain of Langkawi. Still, the water flow is seasonal and the fall can best be visited during the rainy season, September-October. The sound of clear spring water making its way from the top of the hills only serve to tempt visitors into having a splashing good time there. One will also enjoyed the picturesque and view along the way to Temurun waterfall.

 Temurun attractions

After enjoying the beauty of the waterfall, have a swim and just freshen yourself up. The climb to the top pool is also something to be enjoyed. If you manage to take a little bit more trouble visit the artificial waterfall lying along the same road. Kids have a great time staring up and down the steps that leads to the pool located at the foot of the Temurun Waterfall. Innumerable people including the locals find the waterfall to be an excellent spot for picnics.
To enjoy the lovely fall all you have to do is to cross a jungle. The most common plantation found in this area is Meranti.


This is the design of the layout.
The waterfall buttons will consist of 3 subsections which are information, attraction and gallery 

I have start working on my individual web page I have chose pictures to put in the gallery page, information to put in the information page and the attractions info to put in the attractions page. These are some of the sneak preview of what has been done so far:

This is done with the help of photoshop. I will use this for the main page of the waterfall

The front page of the waterfall. 

These are the pictures I will be using for my durian perangin waterfall gallery page
These are the pictures I will be using for my Temurun waterfall gallery page
These are the pictures I will be using for my Telaga Tujuh waterfall gallery

The flash will be on top of the pictures. But will be aligned in the middle. 
Use of tools

Adobe Photoshop - use for editing or ehancing pictures use in the website. I use this adobe photoshop to reach the image to maximum level of appearance, resizing the picture etc.

 Adobe Dreamweaver - use for web development of our work. I will be designing and building my waterfall part in this adobe dreamweaver


For the background, we use blue layout taken from google. And we just insert it into our dreamweaver page under page properties
The page layout that we use for our website. This is chosen right when u open the dreamweaver

For the drop down menu, I created the drop down menu by using spry menu bar. And choosing horizontal.

The spry menu bar will look like this
This is where we edit our menu bars name, the numbers of menu bars and so on. It is under the properties table below the dreamweaver page. So for the waterfalls I just rename the item 5 as waterfalls and add the menu bars by pressing the + button for more menu bars.
This is what happens when I edited the spry menu bar under the properties.

I use lighting effects under Image window and start adjusting the lighting effect

I also use levels under the Adjustment. Just to enhance it better

Next, I played around with the shadows highlights. Change the color correction to -52
Using the clone stamp tool hidden, I use this to make the 3 kids in the picture dissapear. So i press Alt at the waterfall and start coloring the kids so that it is cloned like the waterfall

This is the result of the edit.

First use the magic selection tool hidden under the quick selection tool. Select the sky picture. And right click and choose layer via cut. So on your left there will be a new layer establish.

Make sure u are on the new layer u have created just now. Click on the filter window and choose artistic. Select Pallete. and click ok

Click on the image window choose auto color.
This is the final result

 This are the three pictures edited in photoshop. I used move tool to drag the pictures into blank page. And i added text and use drop shadow effects to get the better text effects

How to link pages
This is how i link the pages. I go through the notepad html coding and change it like above.

      1.  Choose Modify > Document from the menu. The Document Properties dialog box opens.
  1. Type the px in the Width field.
  2. Type the px in the Height field.
  3. Click the Background color box and choose blue as the background color.
  4. Type 24 in the Frame Rate field.
  5. Choose Pixels from the drop-down menu in the Ruler Units field.
  6. Click OK.
I insert the text into the blue background. The wording that I chose is "come and visit Langkawi amazing waterfalls"
I start working with the keyframes.Frame numbers appear along the top of the Timeline.Choose Control > Play from the menu to play the movie.


The content of the waterfalls information were gathered from google.

For Telaga tujuh content:

For Durian Perangin content:

For Temurun content:

For the image, I took the pictures from:
For Telaga Tujuh pictures:

For Temurun waterfall pictures:

For Durian waterfall pictures:

For the content of the first page of the waterfall:

Structure of website

This is how i will stucture the website for my part.

The diagram above compose of three main areas: The homepage, the main sections and the subsections
Main sections
The main sections of a website form the headings of specific bodies of data. In other words the main sections of the website forms the gateway or entry point into particular areas of the site.

The subsections of a website  
Once i have developed the main section of the waterfalls, I did the subsections. Each subsection should contain all of the important data relating to a particular main section. The subsection is organized into specific category for easy retrieval. Subsections is where the content of the waterfalls will reside.
This is week 12 and I have finish all my individual work for my waterfall. This is the final output of how the waterfall site will look like.
The front page of the waterfall page

The gui interface has 3 waterfalls. And there is sub sections containing Information, Attractions and Gallery
Telaga Tujuh Waterfall Screenshot

This the information page of Telaga Tujuh Waterfall
Telaga Tujuh Attractions page. The attractions are underlined for readers convenient
Telaga Tujuh Gallery
Durian Perangin Waterfall Screenshot

Durian Perangin waterfall information page
Durian Perangin Attractions page
Durian Perangin waterfall Gallery page

Temurun Waterfall Screenshot

Temurun Waterfall information page
Temurun Attractions page. The attractions are underlined too
Temurun Waterfall Gallery page