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Thursday 21 July 2011

Initial Proposal

Posted by MAMBO

Group Name:

Group Members:

Muhammad Azzfar Bin Ab Rahim (Leader) 1091105533
Isma Suhaila Binti Rosli 1091105516
Nurfariza Binti Mohamnmad Suhaimi 1091105544
Raja Nur Izzati Bt Raja Rusman 1091106426
Syarifah Nurul Husnah 1081107270

For our 3rd assignment, we as a group had decided and book our topic, that is “Langkawi Island”. Langkawi is a well-know island in Malaysia and people all around the worlds know it.

Why do we select Langkawi Island? This is because Langkawi is one of the most famous islands in South East Asia. This is because Langkawi has a lot of history to it. The beaches around there are very pretty and the water are very clear. Many people from around the world look forward to visit Langkawi when they come to Malaysia. So our objectives are to:

  • help people get to know Langkawi better
  • promote the vast majority of hotels in Langkawi
  • promote the most intimidating and historically significant skybridge in Langkawi
  • promote Langkawi's shopping spree places
  • promote Langkawi's peaceful and scenic waterfalls
  • promote Langkawi's sun soaked beaches

The targets for this assignment are to attrace tourist all around the world to come to MAlaysia because this assignment is to promote Tourism – Malaysia Holiday Destination. Age would not be a problem because anyone at any age can come to Langkawi Island

Website Breakdown
We had done our discussion, and we all had decided on the topic that each of us need to take full responsibility. The topics that we had decided are:
1. Hotels – Azzfar
2. Skybridge – Isma
3. Waterfall – Fariza
4. Beaches – Ifa
5. Shopping – Izzati

The hotel section will cover some of famous hotels in Langkawi. This will give useful information for tourist to pick thier hotels

Langkawi's Skybrige is actually a cable car service that is provided in Langkawi. The Skybridge is one of the longest and tallest cable car that could be found in South East Asia.

Langkawi has one of the most beautiful waterfall that could be find in Malaysia. Tourist from all over the world will visit Langkawi because of the waterfall that is in Langkawi

Beaches in Langkawi is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Clear water and nice view could be found in Langkawi

Tourist will always shop till they drop. Langkawi is a Tax-Free island. People would like to shop in Langkawi because things are cheap there.

Division of Tasks

Project Manager
Azzfar had been assign as the project manager because he is the leader of the group. He is responsible for every process and progress of the group project.

Assistant Project Manager
Fariza had been assign to be the assistant project manager. She will help in any task that Azzfar could now finish or handle due to studies or midterms.

Isma, Izzati and Ifa had been assigned to do the research of the project. Research task is to find information that could be use for the assignment. Information is base on data, pictures and facts that is related to Langkawi Island

Flow Chart

Initial Page Design

 We are able to effectively discuss among each other over a series of meetings and communication through the internet and phones(BBM application). Our first meeting were to delegate the task that each member has to do. All five of us were assigned with different responsibilities individually. In this respect, all 5 group members did a “quick paper pick” to see what task we will be assigning to. This is to minimize and avoid unfair task issues. The following topics that we choose to include in our website are waterfalls, shopping, hotels, history, sky bridge and beaches.

The other meetings we did were to discuss about the visual content of the website in more detail. The group meetings are informal and friendly in tone. We discuss and decide many things at meetings, but the most important type of discussion is about the specific task we are going to undertake for each week. Meetings were conducted to ensure that all group members understand their own role and task to do.
Week 3- Our group leader gave a brief description of what to be put in the initial proposal. We had time for ideas and feedbacks among each other. For example what are our objectives for the topic, what are we targeting. Whether each of us is comfortable with the task given. Basically a general discussion of what to be put in our initial proposal.

Week 5- this meeting was conducted to inform each other to start finding the content to put in our website. Our group leader has instructed us to find comprehensive information of our own topics to be emailed to him at a specific time. 

Week 6- We meet again to discuss about the next agenda that we need to do so that all of us are sure of our own roles. We list out what to include in our subsections of topic. And we decided that all topics must at least have 2 subtopics. For example under waterfalls, there will be information and gallery of the waterfalls. 

Week 8- There was some confusion concerning the blog progress. We had mistakenly do our blog progress from the expected criteria. Instead of putting progress of our third assignment on individual page, we only posted about the first and second assignments. So we discussed back what to change and what to add in our blog so that we follow the guidelines correctly. Basically we make sure that all the issues are addressed. 

Week 10- Our group leader asked us to try our best to keep our documentation as detailed as possible regarding our code and our overall content of the website. He wants our website coding to be as clear as possible so that all of us can easily follow our website functions. 

Week 11- The main focus of our last meeting was securing all of us has gain the clarification for the task they are given before the submission. One big goal of our meeting was testing to ensure a successful website development.
We also make sure that each individual follow the given criteria, that every individual have completed the entire task and that none of our contents are missing from the website.

We also update each other status through the use of BBM application and also via facebook.


Dr. Graphics said...

Good proposal. Also, where are the individual pages for assignment 3? So far all your pages discuss on assignment 1 and 2. NOT Assignment 3.
Also, there is only some progress on assignment 3 but no updates. Your last entry only about one month ago. You need to update progress like images, content, website layout for individual responsibility etc. or I could not find it in this blog. For now, you have some information but not enough. Overall assessment: C+ for all.

Dr. Graphics said...

you still did not put in any use of tools and the references need to be near the material that you took it from, not just a list of URL. Again,
this is week 12 not week 8. I expect more progress. Also, your side individual pages has not links for comments. What is the point of putting your names on the top tabs and not put the progress in there? But you put the progress in the side bar and no names except one appear in there? How am i to assign marks to no names? Please organise yourselves.

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