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Thursday 25 August 2011


Posted by MAMBO

We are already starting on our website development. Each group members are starting to work on their own individual assigned task. As for the group website, we have come out with the web page, headers image to use in the website and etc.

header for our website


picture to put in our first page

Our website layout


Dr. Graphics said...

Where are the GUI, Flowchart, References,USe of tools etc..

Currently since all of you (Or I cannot find) have not updated or written entries, you all do not have any marks for this progress update.

Dr. Graphics said...

you still did not put in any use of tools and the references need to be near the material that you took it from, not just a list of URL. Again,
this is week 12 not week 8. I expect more progress. Also, your side individual pages has not links for comments. What is the point of putting your names on the top tabs and not put the progress in there? But you put the progress in the side bar and no names except one appear in there? How am i to assign marks to no names? Please organise yourselves.

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