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Friday 2 September 2011

Waterfalls screenshot

Posted by MAMBO

This is the final output of how the waterfall site will look like.

The front page of the waterfall page

The gui interface has 3 waterfalls. And there is sub sections containing Information, Attractions and Gallery
Telaga Tujuh Waterfall Screenshot

This the information page of Telaga Tujuh Waterfall
Telaga Tujuh Attractions page. The attractions are underlined for readers convenient
Telaga Tujuh Gallery
Durian Perangin Waterfall Screenshot

Durian Perangin waterfall information page
Durian Perangin Attractions page
Durian Perangin waterfall Gallery page

Temurun Waterfall Screenshot

Temurun Waterfall information page
Temurun Attractions page. The attractions are underlined too
Temurun Waterfall Gallery page


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